Session Notes: Digital Divide

The lack of connection to the Internet. How people are going to learn how to use to use the Internet after they get the access.

Session notes taken by Sylwia Presley.

Digital Inclusion
– Comps from Bill Gates foundation.
– Public libraries.
– Giving access to information.

Lack of communication between different projects.
– Paraguay 10% of country has the Internet access.
– Only capital city and interior of the country.
– People speaking in the local language do not normally blog.
– Politicians are pro blogging for the sake of politics , wheres journalist want to spread information.

- Libraries, local institutions and teaching teachers how to use and teach how to use.
– Teaching kids. Once they know how to use it they can spread thet knowledge
– Giving computers to the people is not equal to knowing how to use it.
– How to do it in a society where people cannot read or write. it easier for young people. But how to introduce the Internet to the adults.

Access to IT, and the Internet: Social aspects.
In Zimbabwe.
– The real problem is the access to the Internet.
– Voice messages: 160 characters is very limited.
– A platform for voice messages. Even these who cannot write cannot say their questions. One doesn't have to be literate to use it.

In Morocco:
– 40% of internet penetration.
– Country division. 50% illiterate.
– Most of the blogger live in city areas. The only coverage that comes from rural areas comes from foreigners, volonteers.

One solution:

Digitize literacy programmes. Two birds with one stone. Like in the UK. Learning by playing.

Columbia new media: Connectivity, yet so slow. Make content more available for these with slow internet speed. Buses with training systems in rural areas on how to use the internet but also tohelp them with the cultivation of the soil.

Keep all countries in the world not only connected to the internet but also giving them the access to what we can fond on the internet by making webpages accessible for everyone with every kind of the internet connection.


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